MBM September Tour 2019 in the City of Angels


Aloha angels of the city of,

Great transformations and transitions are underway ѧʟʟ ȏғ ȏȗя personal and professional liṿєṡ...It’s is a time of great change and awakening for so many individually on the planet right now, and for the planet itself. We are deeply connected to the this living organism that we live our lives off of every day, dependent upon its resources for very life existence. Our disconnection and desensitization to not taking care of the planet goes back through centuries of intergenerational conditioning with the industrialization of our culture and planet. Again, we are deeply connected to the earth and we have been doing the same thing to our personal “planets”, by inter generation ignorance to having a better relationship with our health and wellness on a daily basis. A healthy relationship between Mind, Body, and Soul. Just like with your relationship with your environment and it’s impact, it takes place on a daily basis. As does your relationship with your cellular environment, it’s about what you do on a daily basis has an impact to nourish your environment or compromise it, and if you build an lifestyle with practices and rituals to heal and nourish your environment, it will thrive. There are three foundational pillars to nourish the cellular environment of both the earth and our bodies.

Internally - Human - 1) Physical touch -activating the cellular homeopathically

Externally - Earth - 1) Tending to your personal environment radius in the planet and your impact upon it daily.

Internal - Human - 2) Nourishment to cellular environment through alchemically balanced relationship to nutrition & digestion.

Exter- Earth - 2) Cultivating a harmonious relationship with your daily usage of resources from the planet your consuming nourishment from.

Internal - Human - 3) Activating a deeper Spiritual Conscious awareness of the Self/Spirit and it’s connection to the greater Self/Spirit of the planet it draws life from with each breath through the ancient sciences that originate through humanity’s search for union over the ages.

External - Earth - 3) Cultivate the same Union through creating conscious authentic interpersonal relationships with other humans interwoven into one tribe of humanity that knows no color or creed woven of the fabric of unconditional love that knows through the illusion of separation or false identification through the egoic mind, or disconnection to it’s interpersonal relationship collectively to the natural environment with which WE as a tribe exist.

This trinity of pillars creates a foundation for the awakening and evolution of our species and the preservation and promotion of life continuing on to creating heaven on earth.

There are several egoic Afflictions that the human experience has become a human condition falling into the illusion of false identification that has intergenerationally become a cage now keeping us from being free from our divine potential, and potentially ending life as we know it for our species as well the environment. The Amazon is one of the most relevant current examples of this. Looking through now more legitimate historical evidence of the more current civilizations going back 6,000 years, civilizations have come and gone as has oceans now desserts and mountains now valleys. The cycles of the rise and fall of civilizations and cycles of earth changes have had very unique synchronicities through centuries past. Man has usually agitated as reaction or response from Mother Earth, as your body would react if you stress it out consistently or deprive it of sleep or proper nutrition, it will shut down. Sadly, through the suppression of knowledge and wisdom given to our people through the ages, and the false control of an elite group of regressive conscious humans, their false control, and manipulation from a disconnection to the divine, we have become slaves to these afflictions. They have lead to our slumber, disconnection, and ignorance.


“Today we are six billion ugly ducklings of human race living on the planet, and we have no quality, no quantity, no character, and no commitment. We truthfully say things that are not true. We dramatically say things which are not true. And we do the ugliest things on this planet: we build power which surrounds the individual.”

- Yogi Bhajan


1) FEAR Conditioning / Egoic Conditional Love programming - Teaching FALSE Love through the conditional love currency exchange.

  • Passed down through the intergenerational exchange with our parents first in which we build an internal parental relationship with ourselves that is not unconditional love, like the live the divine has for each one of us. We then build conditional love relationships externally which are riddled with lower level frequency emotions like anger, jealousy, sadness, depression-all rooted in fear as there only two foundational emotional vibrations:

    LOVE & FEAR -False Evidence Appears Real

  • When you are not in a state of unconditional love with your Self, fear enters the conditional love relationship with Self and the ego takes over both the relationship internally and with an individuals interpersonal relationships. The wall of conditions around love we build in constructing our fortress of false security through our this process will constantly be bombarded by life to break them down. Creating another human being with someon is the most powerful lesson of the mastery around cultivating the ability TO love another as the divine loves you. To be loved is easier, although many have great challenges around receiving love as well. It all originates around not being guided to the path of how to truly LOVE THY SELF. When we authentically, unconditionally love our Self, the compulsion to control or complete anyone falls away.

2) Mind-Body / Human-Earth Disconnection

  • Reptilian brain - survivalistic - Fight or Flight

  • You are creating waste every day just existing. The average American generates 4.3 pounds of trash per day. Do the math: 4.3 X 365 = 1569.5 pounds per person per year. 285 million people in the US = 447307.5 Million pounds of trash. The figure was consumer trash production on average and did not account for industrial waste, but it is a powerful reference point for perspective.

  • In our cellular environment, between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day in an average adult. Based on that, the average adult must make 50 to 70 billion cells each day to compensate for those that have died since this is an adult human and there is no net growth. Death and waste are not a bad thing. This is literally the daily circle of life that plays out every day for each of us. We can play a more conscious role in cleaning our waste / death / toxins both internally in our body’s and externally in our environment within our personal life radius.


  • Food. One of the most overlooked causes of of all illness or Wellness. This comes from a culmination of comprises, from societal, cultural, and familial intergenerational ignorance, manipulation, and even suppression around biochemical food nutrition and the connection between the guttural intelligence and the mental intelligence. Yet you have twice as many Neural receptors in your gut than you do your brain, yet we come from a mental, moral, intellectual, even dogmatic spiritual place when it comes to what our body has to process-not our mind. We also come from an emotional as well as experiential-even novelty place around eating, and in a day and age of recreational third world societies where food is constructed around indulgent experiences it’s a recipe for disaster. You can see it in the fact that the US is ranked 37th in the world for health and wellness. It’s not open talked about on Bill Maher in theatrical rants of offense that food basically is a poison or a medicine. What are we not getting? Awareness is drawing in the masses to some degree, but why is it so hard to get results? Is it just that we haven’t been taught how to incorporate it into a lifestyle? Partially...


  • Dopamine addicted neural chemistry from technology

  • Fluoridation - pineal compromise

    • “the Greatest affliction to humanity in these times is lack of disciple to follow with healthy practices every day to produce positive changes in their lives.”

      - Yogi Bhajan

  • There are no native spiritual practices in the Western world as we are a younger culture / civilization, and were focused on conquering and creating genocide of indigenous native people rather than learning their practices..


  • Defined as the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes.


  • A good portion of why this happens to our chemical perception is because our chemistry becomes stagnant. Old memories, traumas, experiences become a web of contextual framework that the mind desensitize itself to the magic of what IS the magic of our lives.

6) Pyramidal patriarchal power structure

  • Developed long age, and designed to enslave us in to a contextual tactile reality of limitation, hierarchal structures, social status, greed, commercialism, industrialization of food, the repression suppression, and oppression of sexuality, division through sex, race, gender, and the list of programs in the matrix continues. We were raised in this matrix, and it’s roots are deeper in our chemistry than we realize. As is the lack of divine spiritual sciences and their knowledge and wisdom being and practiced and present in our culture from our origins. We have been gradually moving out of the dark ages of forgetting. A time when these divine origin sciences were lost, found, and then surprised by those in power.

No more. The time is now. In the technological age we live in, we have access to more knowledge at our finger tips than ever. Now it’s is not about finding the knowledge, but applying it and practicing it-incorporating it into your lifestyle along with the disciplines to maintain it. The road is challenging at first as all things are, but the rewards are beyond measure.


SOLUTIONS - There are so many we’re going to explore in these upcoming events, but here’s a starting point. It starts by being more conscious with our waste management in daily detox and release process with our body, and our daily environment mindfulness and conscious waste management.

I'm looking forward to exploring so much with you all after a month away in the beautiful sanctuary of Kauai with my ohana...

I return to my old home for only 12 days and have three extremely special offerings to share with you.

If you've yet to come to one of our lecture demonstrations, here's your chance for a look into NMRT.

September 18th...learn the Introduction to NMRT at Transformational Healing Universe for FREE. Limited number of seats available.

Have you had a chance to enjoy "The Cloud" coconut yogurt or any of the gourmet plant-based foods from Mandala Living Foods?

September 20th...my first tasting since the presidential campaign in NY in August... The Trinity Tasting at Le Jardin. We have a limited number of tickets available. Includes the NMRT lecture, breath-work training, and a six course gourmet plant-based tasting.

Are you in pain and ready to release yourself of your conditions?

While I'm in Los Angeles, the 18th-30th. I encourage you to also schedule your NMRT healing: Spring Cleaning or Core Sessions.

Look forward to share these beautiful moments with you.

Mahalo, Micah Skye